Excelsior Palace Hotel

Historical building, 99 rooms

Historical building
Excelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace HotelExcelsior Palace Hotel
General services
Bar, Beach Umbrella, Car Rental, Excursions, Garden, Laundry service, Lift, Linen Service, Lounge Chairs, Luggage Storage, Non Smoking Rooms, Park, Pool Bar, Private Transfer To / From Airport, Private Transfer To / From Bus Station, Private Transfer To / From City, Private Transfer To / From Rail Station, Reading Room, Scooter Rentals, Shuttle to / from beach, TV Room, Wake up Service
Dining Facilities
Business Facilities
Coffee Break, Fax service, Meeting Room, Photocopy Service
Leisure Amenities
Amenities Beach, Golf Course in vicinity, Outdoor Swimming pool, Solarium, Tennis Court in vicinities, Terrace, Towels for Swimming Pool
Parking, Small Pets, WiFi Internet connection